Climate crisis continues

Climate crisis continues
Adam Bandt

Last month, as I stood watching the flood waters rise in Kensington and locals worry about their homes and safety, it was crystal clear that the climate crisis is happening right here, right now in Melbourne.  

Coal and gas are fuelling the climate crisis, but the Victorian Labor Government wants to open up new gas drilling, near the 12 Apostles. 

We’re in a climate crisis, but Labor and Liberal want new coal and gas.

Only the Greens have a plan to get out of coal and gas and replace it with 100 per cent renewable energy by 2030. 

This month, Victorians will head to the polls once more for the state election. In Canberra, we’ve seen the power of Greens to push Labor further and faster to act on the climate crisis. Now is our chance to do the same thing in the Victorian Parliament. 

During the past eight years, I have worked closely with my colleague in the Victorian Parliament Ellen Sandell to deliver for our neighbourhoods. Alongside the community, Ellen has secured new school campuses in North Melbourne and $13 million extra for nurses and midwives at our local public hospitals. I am confident that Ellen can continue to be your strong, independent voice in Parliament, restoring integrity and working for you. 

Melbourne is a fantastic place to live, but many in our community are doing it tough, with the cost-of-living crisis spiralling out of control. As Labor delivered its first Budget last week, they had a choice, tax cuts for billionaires and politicians, or immediate cost of living relief.  


It was disappointing to see Labor choose tax cuts for the wealthy, while everyone else was left waiting. People can’t afford childcare, can’t afford the rent and can’t afford to go to the dentist. They can’t afford insurance, and they can’t afford the power bills.


We must do more to address the cost of living right now. That’s why the Greens will keep fighting to get dental into Medicare for everyone, deliver free childcare and wipe student debt. 

In a wealthy country like Australia, everyone should have a roof over their head. But the homelessness crisis remains, and renters are doing it tough. In the first six months of 2022, the big four banks made $14 billion in profit, while interest rates grew. 

The Greens will make housing affordable and end the special treatment for property developers. We’ll cap rents, giving renters’ real rights and require 30 per cent of large new developments to be set aside for first home buyers. 

This November, vote Greens for climate action, rent caps and integrity in government. •

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