North Melbourne Rotary Club is now in full swing

North Melbourne Rotary Club is now in full swing

Last month the North Melbourne Rotary Club got back in full swing by doing the big Moomba barbecue for the City of Melbourne. We fed more than 1000 people who had come back from the Moomba parade in under two hours.

Not long after we did another large barbecue for the Metro Tunnel team and have another scheduled for them next month. Of course, next month we will also be cooking up our famous “Democracy Sausages” at the federal election at North Melbourne Primary School.

But our biggest event coming up next month is the big concert we are organising to raise funds for the badly affected citizens of Ukraine. The event is being run at Melbourne Town Hall on Saturday, May 7 at 3pm (for more information please see promotional flyer published in this issue).

All funds raised will be sent to help the Ukraine citizens by first sending them to the Australian Rotary Foundation’s Ukraine Disaster Aid Fund especially set up for this purpose.

Tickets are only $25 and can be booked on Trybookings at

If you cannot attend but would still like to support, there is also a facility to make a donation on the same Trybookings site. These donations will be issued a tax-deductible receipt from the Australian Rotary Foundation.

We are very grateful for the support of our major sponsor for this event, Downer, whose support has meant we can host this event within the iconic Melbourne Town Hall.

We are also grateful for the club’s banker, Bendigo Bank, Strathmore Branch for its support for this event as well •

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