Quiz night and community dinner
Friends, neighbours, students, locals one and all – take the plunge and join us for our Quiz Night and Community Dinner on June 23 – especially if you’ve never come to one of our events before. Don’t be shy! Invite your friends and make up a team. We promise you a warm welcome, lots of fun, great entertainment, and a hearty meal – all for $20, and even less if you are a paid-up member.
The event will be held at the Reggio Calabria Club with dinner starting at 7pm including main and dessert followed by an 8pm quiz.
Just click on the QR code or go to the Eventbrite site. We’re looking forward to a most enjoyable night. Don’t miss out!
You also have a second invitation. This one’s entirely free and for our common benefit. Our local MP Ellen Sandell, has organised a survey to sound out Parkville Gardens residents about the issues that matter to them.
It doesn’t take long to fill out and it’s a great opportunity for you to have your say. Just go to ellensandell.com/parkville-gardens-survey and help her (and us) make the neighbourhood an even better place to live. Of course, you are always welcome to contact us directly via our Facebook page or by email to [email protected]
We’re grateful to Samantha Ratnam, Greens leader in the Legislative Council, for seeking answers from the government about implementing their promise to fund a more frequent 505 bus service through Parkville Gardens.
The provision of adequate public transport for residents will become even more pressing when the current building under construction is completed early next year. Owned and managed by social housing entity, Housing First, its residents are expected to be older people.
Their nearest stop for the hourly bus service is some hundreds of metres away. The addition of the new apartment tower will also highlight the missing link in the public transport system for residents - a connection between Parkville Gardens and the Flemington Rd trams and Flemington Bridge station. This gap needs to be addressed.
One significant improvement in the pipeline is actually beyond our boundaries. The City of Melbourne has allocated $1.5 million in its budget to install a safe crossing from Royal Park Station to the Melbourne Zoo.
Crossing the road here has long been a hazard for zoo visitors arriving by train, especially those with young children in tow. This will affect Parkville Gardens residents who use Poplar Rd as a traffic route, but whatever delays may occur will be in the interest of pedestrian safety.
Work has not yet begun on the remodelling of the Galada Ave-Oak St intersection and the introduction of a pedestrian crossing. Supply issues seem to be the cause of the delay.
Three reminders to finish with
One, sign up right now for our Quiz Night and Community Dinner. Two, complete the residents’ survey being conducted by Ellen Sandell’s team. Three, if you have any news to share or issues to raise, don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected]
In the meantime, stay as warm as you can! •
Residents can find us: facebook.com/groups/pgrass or by email [email protected]

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