Steps4migraine: boosting awareness and inspiring change

Steps4migraine: boosting awareness and inspiring change

Migraine Foundation Australia is leading the charge in raising awareness and accessibility for migraine sufferers nationwide with the upcoming Steps4migraine walk on June 16.

Beginning from Flagstaff Gardens and culminating at Treasury Gardens, the free event aims to shine a spotlight on the challenges faced by millions of Australians impacted by migraines.

Established in 2019, the annual walk is a national event that raises awareness about the importance of brain health and addressing prevalent neurological disorders, affecting a staggering 3.4 billion individuals globally.

This year, the Steps4migraine campaign also aims to promote preventive brain health through the “Life’s Ten” approach and raise funds for two headache fellowships at Western Health.

“Our vision includes Australia adopting a national preventive brain health policy, incorporating the Life’s Ten approach across the lifespan to ensure a healthier nation,” Migraine Foundation Australia founder Prof. Tissa Wijeratne said.


We seek to raise awareness about brain disorders like migraine and emphasise education and empowerment to mitigate disability.


Migraines are the leading cause of disability in Australia, costing more than $40 billion annually in lost productivity.

Yet, lifelong migraine sufferer Stav Sasso says despite the “debilitating” impact of migraines on five million Australians, it is largely an underfunded and under-researched field.

“I was six when I started getting migraines and have had them my whole entire life – I’ve not known a migraine-free day until just recently,” Ms Sasso told North West City News.

“It's not an illness, it's a disability. There are so many young people that I see that can't hold a job because they have really severe migraines. They stay in bed for days on end and they lose their jobs, because it isn’t seen as an issue.”

Ms Sasso also highlights the financial barriers to migraine treatment, noting the exorbitant costs of medications and consultations with neurologists as formidable obstacles, preventing many from accessing vital care.

“There are so many people that can’t work because of migraines and there’s no funding for that – how on earth do they afford to go and see a neurologist and get on the right medications? I don’t know how they could afford to do that,” she said.

“It’s not just a headache, it actually feels like you’re having a stroke.”

Prof. Wijeratne hopes that the Steps4migraine walk will symbolise a collective commitment to advocacy, education and empowerment for individuals like Ms Sasso “because there is no health without brain health”.  

“Please join Migraine Foundation Australia for a worthy cause. There is no membership fee and together we can learn about brain health and promote best practices for everyone. Let’s show the world how to achieve optimal brain health,” he said.

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