Tins for Treasure!

Tins for Treasure!
Rebecca Smith

Do you have any idea how many random items accumulate at a neighbourhood house over the years? In our case, the answer is
“a LOT.”

People donate all sorts of things “that might be useful one day” but are often not. Instead they end up at the back of cupboards or hiding under desks. Teachers save magazines and books because “we might need them in the future”. Guess what? They never do. Those magazines and books find themselves abandoned on high shelves, gathering dust. And don’t even get me started on buttons and beads. They seem to multiply in dark corners. 

So, in an effort to reclaim storage space we are seeking loving homes for hundreds of surplus items. We’re busy clearing out cupboards, sorting and stacking and getting ready for a giant garage sale. 

Favourite finds so far?

A desktop ironing board; an entire box of Easter themed paper bags; about a million different types of nylon lace circa 1978; and my personal favourite – a children’s jigsaw puzzle of a seafood platter (what were they thinking?). 

In addition to these quirky items, we also have some wonderful children’s books, art magazines, games, puzzles, various toys, equipment, furniture, fabric and craft supplies to rehome. There truly is something for everyone. 

Our garage sale is called “Tins For Treasure” and it’s part of The Garage Sale Trail to be held on Sunday, November 20 from 10am to 2pm. 

Rather than collecting cash, we are asking people to “pay” with non-perishable items for the McCracken Street Food Share Pantry. That’s right, no money required! We’d much rather have a few tins of baked beans, some long-life milk or jars of instant coffee. 

So raid your pantry and come and find a few bargains at our house!

Since November 20 is the start of Social Inclusion Week, we will also be encouraging people to stay and chat for a while. There’ll be a coffee machine (free coffee), and various activities to get involved in. Or you can just hang out in our backyard for a play. 

We hope to see you there.•

Tins For Treasure
Sunday, November 20 10am to 2pm
89 McCracken Street, Kensington

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