Trivia and AGM success
It was wet and wintry outside, but it couldn’t have been warmer and cheerier inside.
A grand total of 60 local residents and friends enjoyed themselves immensely at Parkville Garden Residents’ Association’s (PGRA) quiz night and dinner at the Reggio Calabria Club on October 5.
Neighbours and strangers came together to celebrate a memorable night of fun and friendship.
A huge vote of thanks to the City of Melbourne for the Community Events Grant that made it possible; to secretary-treasurer Faye Ryan for doing all the organising; to Lisa for compering the quiz with such pizzazz; and to Carlo for hosting the event so generously. We’re already looking forward to next year.
Two weeks earlier, the PGRA held its annual general meeting (AGM) at the Club. There’s just one change to the membership of the Committee to report: Michael Saunders submitted his resignation due to other pressing commitments; his place has been taken by former member Uma Iyengar. Welcome back, Uma!
She joins myself (president), Faye Ryan (secretary-treasurer), Michael Main, Jose Torres, Uddika Kahawatte, Jay Iyengar and Ian Aitken as your representatives.
Please keep us informed with your ideas and concerns. You can contact me at [email protected] or the PGRA secretary at [email protected] or make general enquiries at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you.
Next up is our “Amazing (not really a) Race” children’s event on October 29. It’s for kids aged 5 to 12. Don’t delay – check in now via the QR code on the flyer. The more the merrier!
Meet on the Galada Ave Reserve at 9.45am for a 10am start. Last year’s participants (and their parents) had a great time and this year’s event is sure to be even better.
Hot on the heels of the “race” will be our children’s Halloween celebration on the evening of Tuesday, October 31. Scary fun coming up!
As foreshadowed last month, the first residents in Housing First’s apartment tower at 41 Galada Ave have moved in. They’ll be joined by others over the next couple of months.
Housing First will hold a community festival on Saturday, October 28 to mark the opening of the new building.
All up, some 300 people will be accommodated there, and they are all welcome in Parkville Gardens. •