Welcome to our new community asset

Welcome to our new community asset
Kevin Chamberlin

When the media, the all-important Fourth Estate, does its job the community is the better. Transparency is really the life blood of democracy and has been sadly missing at all three levels of government in recent times.

Who does the independent reporting, the investigative journalism, provides information to the wider community?

In our community we have been fortunate to still have the North & West Melbourne News. A community run quarterly newspaper that has provided forty years of continuous publication. A great effort.

But where has the mainstream media been? 

It was not all that long ago that our council, the City of Melbourne, was the focus of substantial media scrutiny on a daily and weekly basis. The Melbourne Times, Melbourne Leader, The Age and Herald Sun all had “town hall” reporters essentially concentrating on the inner Melbourne local government scene. The Australian and The Financial Review regularly reported as well. The ABC even had a broadcasting point in the Melbourne Town Hall. The television stations were regulars as well. The community was well informed

But, unfortunately, this healthy scrutiny has been lacking in recent years. Much information is now provided by in house media units and spin consultants, hardly objective and independent.

Let’s hope things are about to change with the publishing of a new local monthly newspaper North West City News, both in print and online. The editorial team is experienced and already publishes three newspaper, the CBD News, Docklands News and Southbank News. These publications have been a tremendous source of information and transparency for the community, but North and West Melbourne missed out.

Now things are changing, this new publication must be embraced by the community to restore the scrutiny our government processes so urgently need.

With our community undergoing such significant change, this very process of change desperately needs transparency and meaningful consultation. 

Too often much of this consultation has not been, what I believe, genuine and just an attempt to tick the consultation box. You often have the feeling the decision is made and, in some cases, even publicised before the process even begins. With the scrutiny these changes require, a vital and effective local media is essential. 

Let’s make this publication work for us •

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