Columns » State MP

Ombudsman to investigate Kensington flood zone modelling

Ombudsman to investigate Kensington flood zone modelling

June 26th, 2024 - Ellen Sandell

You might have heard that recent flood re-modelling by Melbourne Water has re-classified more than 900 homes in Kensington Banks as a flood risk.


North Melbourne residents unite against demolition of public housing

March 13th, 2024 - Ellen Sandell

I recently joined a packed event in North Melbourne, where residents gathered to talk about how they can work together to stop the demolition and privatisation of public housing in North Melbourne and Flemington.

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Greens join public housing residents in fight to stop Victoria’s privatisation of public housing

November 15th, 2023 - Ellen Sandell

You may have heard that the Labor Victorian Government is planning to demolish every public housing tower in Victoria.

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A chance for new beginnings in Victoria

October 11th, 2023 - Evan Mulholland

The resignation of Daniel Andrews presents the Labor Government and Victoria with a chance for a new path forward.

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Struggling to afford food and rent

September 13th, 2023 - Ellen Sandell

“I can’t buy fruits, vegetables or even toilet paper.”

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Our public housing residents deserve an apology

May 17th, 2023 - Evan Mulholland

Melburnians watched on in shock when in July 2020, 500 police officers were dispatched to barricade the nine Flemington and NorthMelbourne housing commission towers as part of Victoria’s COVID response

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Melbourne’s creatives need your help to save the Nicholas Building

May 17th, 2023 - Ellen Sandell

The Nicholas Building is one of my favourite places in the city. When you walk into the building off busy Swanston St, the cathedral arches make it feel like you’ve stepped into another time

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Women should be able to breastfeed anywhere and everywhere

April 12th, 2023 - Ellen Sandell

I’ve breastfed three babies. I’ve fed them in Parliament, in churches, in cafes, and even perched on the kerb in cities where there was nowhere to sit. Any time my babies were hungry, I fed them.

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It’s time for reform of Victoria’s criminal justice system

April 12th, 2023 - Evan Mulholland

The March release of the Justice Reform Initiative’s Victorian State of Incarceration Report paints a harrowing picture of the problems facing our criminal justice system.

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In memory of Angus Collins, we need to protect cyclists and prevent further tragedy

March 15th, 2023 - Sean Car

The tragic death of Angus Collins, who was killed in February by a truck while he was riding his bike in West Melbourne, has shaken our community. To family and friends of Angus, I’d like to extend my deepest condolences.

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